Learn. Fly. Werk.
Learn just enough to be dangerous in the fight to take back our country. We’ll teach you the basics of civic action, all within our community of like-minded people.
Travel with your team to swing states and districts that are key influencers of national political races. Go where it matters most. And look fly while you do it.
Work hard, knocking on doors and talking to local folks about voting. Then play hard, getting to know your team members and creating lasting memories. Werk it.
Community First
We have a ton of work to do in 2020, but none of it is worth doing alone. We build community FIRST, before we do any traveling, to ground our participants in real relationships with lasting impacts. Because we’re in this for the long term, and if you want to go far you go together.

Trippin in 2020
WE FLY teams from cities with extra progressive energy and resources to places with more impact on our national politics (see: Presidential, US Senate and US House elections). In 2020 we’ve identified 7 states (outside of our home state of WA) that will matter a ton in 2020 and even more in the years to come.
WE PARTNER with local orgs in these key states. We spend time vetting them, connecting with them and preparing for travel. When we arrive though, we leave our ‘home’ perspectives at home, and become volunteers for these orgs. We don’t bring plans. We don’t bring ‘better ideas’. We bring ourselves, our commitment to work, and our love for a more just and inclusive democracy. Thas it.
What’s at stake for each state…?

We work.
We get ready prior to travel, both on our own and with guidance from our local partner orgs. We put together teams, build community in those teams, train together then travel to get the work done.
We walk neighborhoods to register new voters or “get-out-the-vote” with existing voters. The partner orgs create maps for us to use, give us the material we need and process all the data when we’re done. We just work.
We’re multipliers.
Play Together.
With Vacay for Democracy, the people and the community we’re building are as important as the work we do. That’s why we put energy into identifying key experiences that encourage relationship building, fun and a little self care alongside the contributions we make with local orgs.
We do this in two ways: grounding our teams in community prior to travel, largely within the CPNXT community that Vacay is a part of, and by infusing our team trips with social evenings and frequent team download sessions. Oh, and sometimes we meet famous people. 😎
This is a lot. Shoot us an email if you’ve got questions.